Všetci učitelia
Ashanti - lektor angielskiego

Ashanti - Učiteľ angličtiny

I would describe my teaching style as coaching. try to ask the right questions, and with the help of demonstration to find the right answer

    eng eng
  • engUčiteľ angličtiny
  • Angličtina Rodený
Výučbové preferencie
  • Individuálne triedy
  • Deti (7)
  • Deti (7-8)
  • Deti (9-14)
  • Študenti (15-20)
  • Dospelí (21+)
Príprava na skúšky

O sebe

Teaching English is certainly a joy to me and gives me immense satisfaction both on a personal and professional level. Since I obtained my TEFL Certificate, this gave me a deeper insight of the various and newest English teaching mechanisms available. I have been teaching English for the past 3 years online which taught me how to adapt my teaching style to suit the student’s respective cultural background, social requirements and specific needs.

I have had the opportunity to teach English for both children ranging from 7 years to senior people as much as 60 years old. Although there is a great gap in the teaching style that should be used to teach this wide age range, I find it to be a nice challenge to match my techniques of teaching English with the students’ capabilities. For adults I usually share my knowledge to improve the standard of English for employment , so that they are more confident to face the international business world. For junior and senior high school students and other adults I train them for general speaking of English, writing, and listening. Children’s lessons are filled with English educational games, flash cards, English songs and stories ensuring they are never bored in my classes.

English is essential to improve careers and gain access to the global community, so with this in mind, I structure my English lessons very carefully.

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Obľúbené špecializácie: Obchodná angličtina Angličtina v HR Angličtina na cestách Angličtina v kancelárii Angličtina pre deti Angličtina v turistike Angličtina v IT Angliština v marketingu Angličtina a predaj Angličtina pre účtovníctvo Angličtina v práve Angličtina pre inžinierov Angličtina v medicíne Angličtina v ekológii Angličtina pre biotechnológiu a bioinžinierstvo Angličtina pre pohostinstvo Angličtina pre stavebných robotníkov Angličtina pre výtvarníkov Angličtina pre deti Angličtina na pohovory Verejný prejav Vojenská angličtina Angličtina pre nehnuteľnosti

Obľúbené certifikáty: B1 Preliminary for Schools B2 First for Schools BEC Higher BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage CAE CPE Egzamin ósmoklasisty FCE IB - International Baccalaureate IELTS KET LCCI EDI Linguaskill Matura (poziom podstawowy) Matura (poziom rozszerzony) PET Pre A1 Starters (YLE) PTE TOEFL TOEIC Trinity YLE Flyers YLE Movers

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